- UniZyme contain potassium humate, sea weed, amino and trace element
- It helps to enhance nutrient uptake, improve soil structure and increase the yield and quality of various crops
- It promotes the conservation of number of elements into available form to the plants.
- It increases the efficiency of fertilizer especially nitrogen and phosphorus based fertilized.
- It helps in synthesis of most important enzymes, hormones and micro nutrient which are needed for metabolic activities.
- It plays an important role in nitrogen assimilation, improves the immunity of the plant and helps the plant to overcome water stress.
- It helps in root respiration and formation it increase buffering properties of soil reduce flower and fruit drop. It also the germination and viability of seeds.
- It acts as a soil conditioner, soil supplements and fertilizer amendments.
- It increases water holding capacity of soil which help to plant in water stress and is virtual steer house of not only micro nutrients but also holds the essential macro nutrients nitrogen, phosphate and potassium.
- Dose : For Spray – Use 2-3 ml/ Lit
For Drip – 1-2 Lit per acre